Wednesday, October 14, 2009

K. So. That was lame.

Birthday and Thanksgiving fucked everything up. Gained 3 pounds. I just finished losing those pounds but I'm obviously not happy because I shouldn't have let myself gain them in the first place. Back to 143. I feel like I'm never gonna get out of the 140's I'm so discouraged.

Today i've had a coffee and a diet coke. It's 7:00 here so I hope I don't binge at the last second like I did last night. It was a smallish binge and I got like 90% of it up but still. If I hadn't done that I know I would've been 142 this morning.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long btw. My computer is broken and I'm waiting for it to be fixed. I'm on the fiancees computer right now so I should finish up for now.

Love to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. You WILL get out of the 140s! I felt that way too, and believe me, it feels so good to be out of them! You can do it, don't give up!!!

    And I HAAAAAATE how I can gain all the weight I worked so hard to lose back in a weekend. It sucks.

    Keep it up dear!
